Um Um Therapy



It was a nice Monday.The first hour was taken by Giby ma'am. Ma'am started the class by revising the last days portions. Then ma'am has teached the remaining characteristics of personality. She said that we should channelize our mind when fear, sorrows, stress came to our life.  Ma'am said  Carl Rogers once said that, we need atleast six people in our life to contact immediately. We must try be a good listener. Ma'am introduced a technique used in foreign countries "um um therapy".

The second and third hours utilized for sharing our school induction programme experience . And we are asked to sit according to the schools we had visited and we sat according to the schools visited.  Then we had shared the experiences as  from each group one  representative came forward. 

Then at the fourth hour, the union oath taking ceremony was held in the auditorium. 

After the afternoon section, we had a class arranged  by the women cell. The class was taken by  Anees Bhal, Jaya Mary and Athulya from the Kerala police. Andes  ma'am pointed that, women should react. Then she explained about  different kinds of method to resist them from attacking us. Ma'am highlighted the point, a girl child and boy child should be treated as equal in a house. After explaining all the basic things. 

 The class was really helpful for all of us.


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